Advertise with TASN

TASN is pleased to offer several advertising opportunities to our valued industry partners. Place your product or service in front of thousands of professionals and decision-makers.

TASNews magazine coversTASNews Advertising

Market to over 5,800 child nutrition professionals with advertising in TASN's quarterly magazine, the TASNewsTASNews is the source for Texas child nutrition professionals. Packed with information ranging from educational articles to legislative updates and chapter news, TASNews is a benefit that every TASN member finds valuable.

info iconLearn more about advertising in the TASNews.

View TASN Media Kit PDF icon

Digital Advertising

Website Advertising
an image of a laptop, tablet, and cell phone is the online resource for current and prospective TASN members. The website contains important association information, from governing documents to our board of directors pages, along with information about upcoming conferences and events, election information, sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities, and education/certification updates. Our 5,800+ members use the website to check membership status, view job listings, find certification and training schedules, and register for events. typically has more than 10,000 page views per month.

E-Newsletter Advertising
TASN sends e-newsletters directly to its 5,800+ members twice each month with updates about TASN events, HQ news, member news & reminders, certification updates, and more. TASN’s targeted member e-newsletters have on average a 44% open rate and a 4% click rate, well above the nonprofit industry rates of 37% and 1%, respectively. Your ad will be placed at the top or bottom of the e-newsletter.

View TASN Media Kit for ad rates, dimensions, and deadlines  PDF icon