2018-2019 TASN Election: Area 2 Representative

February 23 - March 23, 2018

Margaret Panciera

Santa Fe ISD | Assistant Cafeteria Manager

TASN Member: 3 years| SNA Member: 1 year
TASN Positions Held: N/A
TASN/SNA Presentations: N/A
Education/Certifications: TASN certification Level 4 ;and 41 hours toward my TASN Level 5 certification
Other Info You Would Like to Include: I'm looking forward to this new endeavor in order to grow in leadership skills and knowledge of this wonderful organization for the state of Texas.
Goals for Office: My goals for office are to encourage an increase of membership on local chapters. I would encourage all TASN members to attend their monthly chapter meetings and encourage them to go to the TASN Annual Conference. I would also encourage members to attend TASN classes and explain the importance of attending classes in order to level up.

No opposing candidate